17th Annual Veterinary Forensic Sciences Conference



The International Veterinary Forensic Sciences Association is a collaboration of veterinary, legal, and law enforcement professionals working to give a voice to the voiceless by investigating crimes against animals and upholding animal law. 

Our annual Veterinary Forensic Sciences Conference offers workshops and plenary sessions on the latest achievements in animal forensics, and offers networking and educational opportunities for anyone interested in forensic investigation and veterinary forensic science. 

The International Veterinary Forensic Sciences Association is hosting the 17th Annual Veterinary Forensic Sciences Conference will be held May 15 – 17, 2024 in Cagliari, Italy in association with the Italian Society of Veterinary Forensic Sciences 4th Congress of the Italian Society of Veterinary Forensic Sciences.  

The call for abstracts is open. The IVFSA has limited scholarship opportunities for member travel. Please check the call for abstracts for more information.

Accommodations: A room block has been reserved at the Hotel Regina Margarherita. The hotel room block reservation form can be downloaded here.  Registration: Conference Registration will open soon.