AWSELVA Winter Conference 2012: A Matter of Life and Death

28th November 2012

University of Bristol, Langford Bristol BS40 5DU United Kingdom

AWSELVA's Winter Conference featured an exciting range of speakers on topics including pre-natal welfare, welfare at slaughter, legal and ethical considerations around length of life, and euthanasia for humans and animals.


09:30Registration and coffee
09:50Introduction and welcome. Ed Varley, AWSELVA President
09:55Animal feelings and capacity for consciousness. Dr Liz Paul and Prof Mike Mendl, University of Bristol
10:35Welfare of the neonatal animal. Prof Cathy Dwyer, Scottish Agricultural College
11:30Welfare at slaughter: current issues and update on the new EU regulations. Steve Wotton, Farm Animal Welfare Committee
12:10Ethical and legal issues with end-of-life decisions from a medical perspective. Richard Huxtable, Centre for Ethics in Medicine
14:10Interactive participant workshop: Length of life and end-of-life decisions from a veterinary perspective
16:00Feedback and Workshop Summary, Tea/coffee