Animal welfare: fired by ethics, delivered by law, underpinned by science
Welcome to the Animal Welfare: Science, Ethics, Law and Forensics Association (AWSELFA), incorporating the British Veterinary Forensic & Law Association (BVFLA).
Our mission is to promote the welfare of animals through raising awareness and understanding of animal welfare science, forensics and ethics and their application to policy, law and practice.
AWSELFA provides opportunities for all those with an interest in animal welfare to develop informed views and to learn more about animal welfare science, as well as relevant ethics and law.
News from across the world of animal welfare science, ethics and law
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We pride ourselves on being an inclusive and friendly Association, which assists its members in developing informed views on topical animal welfare issues.
Membership is £25 per year, free to students.
Animal welfare events
These events are run by other organisations in the UK and around the world for those interested in the topics of animal welfare science, ethics and law.
Please contact us with details of your event if you would like us to publicise it on the AWSELVA website.
Our mission
Our mission is to promote the welfare of animals through raising awareness and understanding of animal welfare science and ethics, and their application to policy, law and practice.