Openness in Animal Research Conference


West Midlands
United Kingdom

May 2024 marks the 10th anniversary of the UK’s Concordat on Openness on Animal Research. To celebrate this important landmark for the world’s first transparency agreement, Understanding Animal Research is delighted to host a first-of-its-kind conference dedicated to openness in animal research.   

The Openness in Animal Research Conference 2024 is not just for Concordat signatories. We hope to bring together colleagues from across the world who have a professional interest in openness and improving laboratory animal welfare, whether or not they have an openness agreement in place or are working towards one. The conference will be an opportunity to get together, share ideas, celebrate the achievements of the Concordat, and look forward to the next ten years.  

Conference programme 

The programme features presentations, workshops and posters from scientific communicators supporting openness in animal research across four continents. There will be sessions dedicated to a wide range of communication activities including lab tours, digital projects, public engagement, writing skills, social media, and much more. 

Every openness agreement in the world will be represented during the conference, including the soon-to-be-launched US agreement. We will also hear how the commercial sector is overcoming its unique barriers, how organisations that don’t carry out animal research are supporting openness, and how interdisciplinary thinking can improve transparency.