Start of a new era for AWSELVA

Start of a era for AWSELVA

The veterinary animal welfare association, AWSELVA, is changing. It has a new name, a more inclusive view of AWSEL and had refocused its mandate on how it and its members can become better connected and better informed to help drive improvements to animal welfare.

AWSELVA is now AWSELFA (the Animal Welfare, Science, Ethics, Law, and Forensics Association) embracing and recognising the incredible work of its members from the forensics discipline and fully-reflecting the historic merger of AWSELVA with the BVFLA (British Veterinary Forensic & Law Association).

“We looked at ourselves, the incredible specialities and knowledge of our members, and how we could develop our role in what has become a more crowded environment of professional organisations focussed on animal welfare,” said the AWSELFA chair Dr Karen Hiestand, Lecturer in Veterinary and Animal Ethics at the Royal Veterinary College.

“The AWSELFA committee has worked hard to identify where best to focus the association’s attention, and what it can uniquely offer the wider animal welfare community. In changing our name, we hope to acknowledge the diverse disciplines represented by our association which extend far beyond just the veterinary profession.

“AWSELFA holds a unique position in bringing the disciplines of welfare science, animal ethics & law, and veterinary forensics together and we will continue to provide a valuable forum for debate, education and connection as we all work towards driving improvements in animal welfare.
“The role of AWSELFA has always been and remains, to further understanding and improve animal welfare. It’s vital that AWSELFA’s work in animal welfare isn’t viewed as being for vets alone, so we actively welcome engagement and members from all involved with, or with an interest in, animal welfare science, animal ethics and law and veterinary forensics, as well as students with an interest in AWSELFA disciplines.”

Education and debate will remain at the core of AWSELFA’s future so watch this space for a series of talks and dynamic, easily-accessible events.