World Horse Welfare Annual Conference 2023

United Kingdom

‘Horses and the Environment: Friend or Foe?’ 
Thursday 9th November  Royal Geographical Society London and online

Sponsored by The Sir Peter O’Sullevan Charitable Trust 
View the conference on our YouTube channel and available on our website  

Horses evolved – as we all did – in nature, and then we domesticated them and bred them according to our needs, and used them to help build the civilisations, conurbations and cultures we have today. But with what impact on the environment? When do horses – and how we involve them in society today – benefit the environment, and when do we put it at risk? Can a horse be both nature’s friend and a foe?  Is there a link between good welfare and a healthy environment? And what is our role in striving to ensure our involvement with horses benefits the planet?  

Welcome Dr Neil Hudson MP, Conference Chair  
Sponsor’s Introduction Nigel Payne, Trustee, The Sir Peter O’Sullevan Charitable Trust 

Opening remarks Michael Baines, Chairman, World Horse Welfare  

Keynote Roly Owers, Chief Executive, World Horse Welfare  

Addressing the environmental impact of horse sport Ruth Dancer, Director, White Griffin 

Horses, donkeys and building resilience to climate change in Senegal Dr Alfonse Sene, Director of Equine Development, Senegal Ministry of Livestock and Animal Production 

Horses and environmental policy: a view from Ireland Senator Pippa Hackett, Minister of State for Agriculture with responsibility for Land Use and Biodiversity, Ireland  


Wicken Fen: horses as a landscape-scale conservation grazing tool Carol Laidlaw, Conservation Grazing Ranger of Wicken Fen, National Trust  

Increasing Biodiversity at the yard-scale: challenges and benefits Jenny Rogers, Manager and Trustee, Ash Rescue Centre