UFAW International Animal Welfare Conference 2024


Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas de Abel Salazar (ICBAS)
University of Porto

A fundamental element of UFAW’s mission is the dissemination of evidence-based animal welfare information, so we are delighted to be holding our annual conference on 10 – 11 July 2024 in Porto, Portugal. This conference will serve as a platform for a diverse array of presentations encompassing all areas of animal welfare science and feature both talks and posters.

his event will be of interest to the growing international community concerned with animal welfare and to those working on biomedical research, food animal production, slaughter and companion animal rehabilitation, captive wild animals and policy makers.

Together with the ISAE South West Europe Region, a workshop will be organised on Animal welfare as a profession – beyond academia (chaired by Anna Olsson, i3S, and Birte Nielsen, UFAW) to discuss how animal welfare expertise can be used in jobs outside academia, and what it takes to be an animal welfare expert.

Hosting the conference in-person will facilitate valuable networking and collaboration opportunities, however we acknowledge that logistical constraints may prevent some of our colleagues from attending in person. To ensure that the latest developments in animal welfare science are open to all, we will also be  making the talks and poster presentations available online.

The conference will include both talks and poster presentations, alongside keynote presentations including:

  • Professor Clare Palmer (Texas A&M University, USA)
    What is wild animal welfare, and how far should we care about it?